How to add Pomodoro timer in Notion (With Free Widgets)

How to add Pomodoro timer in Notion (With Free Widgets)

We are filled with distractions. You need to focus on important tasks and avoid getting distractions. But it’s hard to achieve. Then you should use a time management method called the “Pomodoro Technique”. This technique breaks your workhour into small parts of focus time like 25 minutes or 30 minutes (according to your choice) and…

How to add star ratings to Notion Properties (Formula Included)

How to add star ratings to Notion Properties (Formula Included)

Rating is important to know which is more important than others. You can add different types of ratings in your Notion dashboard like numbers, stars, emojis, and more. It will help you to classify your interests. In this tutorial, we will help you to add a star rating to your notion database. You can add…