Best 75 days hard notion template

9 Best 75 Days Hard Notion Templates – Our Picks

75 days hard is a self improvement challenge that designed to improve your fitness, mental toughness, and strength. The challenge is developed entrepreneur Andy Frisella. The challenge consists of 75 days of strict daily rules that should be followed without fail. If you fail even one day, you have to start from day one. It…

notion launches notion faces

Notion launches Notion Faces: Easy Way to Create Notion Style Profile

I bet you have seen the doodles of faces if you have used Notion or interacted with them with any of the social media. The black doodles with white backgrounds are classic in the notion community. If you ever want to make it for yourself you have an employee of notion or you have to…

Gumroad Introduces Payment Schedule Weekly, Monthly & Quaterly

Gumroad Introduces Payment Schedule: Weekly, Monthly & Quaterly

Gumroad recently introduced the ability to choose a payment schedule. Previous Gumroad pay weekly with a $10 threshold, which means that when you have $10 in your account, it will proceed for payment. Now with this annoucement, you will able to change the scedule to weekly, monthly or quaterly and change payment threshold. Gumroad is…

Best Scrum & Agile Notion Templates

10 Best Scrum & Agile Notion Templates – Our Picks

Businesses need to adapt quickly to circumstances and deliver value to their customers at the right time. Agile and Scrum are two methods that help businesses achieve these goals quickly. You can use these methods to focus on product development and customer collaboration. Agile teams break down projects into smaller and more achievable tasks, which…