
7 Best Notion Wishlist Templates – Our Picks

You ever want something but it wasn’t the right time to get it. You can maintain a wishlist where you place items that you want to have or achieve.

You can write down the things you want to purchase, gifts you want to give, or any type of item that you wish to have.

Notion can help you to write down all your things in one place. You can maintain a page of all the items or things you want to have in your wishlist.

You can build one for yourself or you can get a customized template for it. We have curated some notion templates that you can try.

Simple Wishlist & Shopping List Template

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Price: Free

This is a notion template where you can track all your wants, needs, and purchases that you want to do. You can make a list of shopping you want to do or anything you want to purchase. This is a free template that you can use to optimize your life.

Simple Wishlist

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Price: Free

This is a notion template that you can use to manage everything you need in one place. You can categorize items, add items with one click, and add favorite items to your wishlist. It is free to use

Wishlist Template By Rodro

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Price: Free

This is a minimal notion template that will help you organize the items that you want to have. You can categorize with price, need/want, priority, and type of list like bucket list or book list. You can use this template for free.

My Shopping Wishlist

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Price: Free

This is a notion template that you can use to track all your shopping lists. You can organize your wishlist, track prices, categorize items, and monitor your purchase and spending habits. This is also free to use.

Shopping Wishlist By Loviet

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Price: Free

This is a shopping list template that you can use to plan and organize your shopping with categories, links to stores, price tracking, and other needs. You can track your needs and future purchases in a structured way.

Gift Tracker

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Price: Free

This is a notion template that you can use to organize and track all your gift ideas for your family and friends. You can gather ideas for them, decide a gift for them, and add them to your shopping list.

Shopping Wishlist

Get the template here

Price: Free

This is a shopping list template that allows you to set and manage your spending limits while considering your priorities. You can use this template to track all your purchases and be aware of them. It is free.

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